

🐈 新西兰领科集团电话也正在进来新的开发分阶段。全力向的合作好伙伴带来了高安全性能量新西兰生产加工的乳成品的供应信息好项目。


ꦅ 公司的婴少儿配比幼儿奶粉是要根据消费者的追求有能加工的,这是由于在领域中确保商品有独功能性是严重要的。重要材质假如DHA、AA亦或乳铁核蛋白能否可根据整个市场对产品的的的规范要求更改。化工厂能够分娩巧妙会鲜羊国外奶粉或非巧妙会国外奶粉产品的的。

ไ 为考虑0-36八个月新生儿园小朋友对美味的的需求,集团网站生产方式3个大部分段次的婴孩子营养丰富品。专心致志于供应信息3个段次的肉包基粉。产品设备的包装箱结构好使作基粉的25kg硬包装,完美配量终端设备市场销售的800g、900g罐装或包装袋的产品。





✨ 乳铁球球淀粉酶酶是纯天然的鲜羊奶球球淀粉酶酶,和有极强的融合铁物质的特点。乳铁球球淀粉酶酶有于一小大部分体各口位,和是抗体机系统的三大部分,它能承受非常多类的病毒。乳铁球球淀粉酶酶因为本身防菌止痛和抗体模块而知名。以来,乳铁球球淀粉酶酶的绿色效用早已经在非常多物理学探讨中获得了证明。


· 加入到婴小孩工序幼儿奶粉早有期免疫性膳食纤维品中。

· 支撑天然免疫整体和直肠绿色健康。

· 维护一孕妇身体的铁要素。

· 抗痘诊治。


💯 植物鲜鲜淡奶油芝士饼干操作于产生更多物品,这能让植物鲜鲜淡奶油芝士饼干在英国乳制作品企业中拥有那种一般物品。每星期鲜有机牛奶送货到公厂实施工作,并产生成植物鲜鲜淡奶油芝士饼干。公司的英国植物鲜鲜淡奶油芝士饼干是20斤盒装,一般有两种类型出口到式样。植物鲜鲜淡奶油芝士饼干一般应操作于低于物品:

· 水果蛋糕

· 糕点

· 蘸料

· 传统糕点

· 棒棒糖

· 精制油乳酪

𝐆 集困简介就在询求进十步拓张国内市場的业务量,并生产商新的并且现阶段品脾。请和集困简介消售管理团队结合关干澳洲产的小包国外奶粉和食材生产商的项目。



Nikolai Valge




🌊 美国领科集困是创办于美国、中国有和西北亚行业的美国产出商及商贸司,都已经有十几个年的发展进步经验。

🔯 顾客可是小伙伴,投资集团在加工、水平管理、新车辆开拓、銷售、分销模式和物流快递这方面与顾客密不可分合伙。

Australink Australia is entering a new stage of growth. We would like to offer the opportunity to partner with us in the supply of high quality, Australian made, dairy goods. Please see further information on our primary dairy products below.

1. Infant Formula Powders

Our Infant Formula is tailored to each customers Requirements as differentiating your product in the market is more important than ever. Key levels of items such as DHA, AA or Lactoferrin can be set according to the market or product Requirements. Our facilities can manufacture organic, goat, and non-organic milk powder products. We produce 3 main stages to cater for Infant Nutrition from 0-36 months of age. Our primary focus is on the supply and delivery of bulk base powders for each stage. The goods are available in bulk 25kg bags for bulk base formulations. Fully formulated final products in 900g, 800g cans or sachets are also available for select customers. Infant formula (0-6 months of age). A premium and fully formulated nutritional product is critical in order to provide optimum nutrition. Follow on formula (6-12 months of age). A premium product to suit the needs of growing babies through this important stage. Growing up formula (12-36 months of age). Providing additional vitamin and minerals Required for complete nutrition.

2. Lactoferrin

🎐Lactoferrin is a natural milk protein that has very strong iron binding properties. It can be naturally found throughout the body and is part of the immune system helping to fight many different types of infections, and is known for it’s anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and immunological properties. The health benefits of lactoferrin have been documented in extensive scientific studies in recent decades.

💦Lactoferrin is used as an ingredient in a number of applications promoting a strong and stable immune system. Australink supplies Lactoferrin for use in a number of applications, including:

· 🧸Additive in infant formula and early life immune supplements.

· Supporting immune and gastrointestinal health.

· Supporting iron levels in pregnant women.

· Anti acne treatments.

3. Cheese Products

Cream Cheese

♊Cream Cheese is used in the production of a wide number of foods making it a key product in the Australian Dairy Industry. Fresh milk is delivered and processed in the factory each day and that milk is used to make Cream Cheese. Our Australian Cream Cheese is packed in 20kg boxes and produced in two styles ready for export. See its many applications below:

· Cakes

· Desserts

· Dips

· Pastry

· Confectionary

· Processed cheeses

Australink is looking to expand further and is open to supplying new and existing brands for the Chinese markets. Please contact our sales to explore opportunities in the supply of bulk powders and ingredients made in Australia.

Contact Information

Contact our sales team below for further information.
Nikolai Valge Nikolai.valge@australink.com.au

About Australink Australia

Australink is an Australian manufacturer and international trading company established in Australia, China, and South East Asia market for more than 10 years. Our customers are our partners, and we work together during manufacture, quality control, development of new products, sales, marketing, distribution and logistics of our goods.

巴氏奶消费风起 二季度乳制品销量增长迅速 满负荷生产 看好下半年



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