2022-02-15 08:53撰写:婧宸 原因于:肉制品夥伴网
2020年二月7日,据欧共体物品安全卫生的局(EFSA)短信息,应欧共体联合会会需求,欧共体节肢动物词料放入剂和成品(FEEDAP)设计班组就Amaferm® 是奶牛词料放入剂的安全卫生的性刊登数学想法。
据熟知 ,Amaferm® 是米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)菌株NRRL 458的厌氧发酵终产物,具有刺激性α-海藻酸钠酶和纤维棉素酶渗透性。组成部分阅读答案通讯报道以下:
Amaferm® is a fermentation product produced by Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 458, containing alpha-amylase and cellulase enzyme activities, authorised for use as a feed additive for dairy cows. In 2016, the applicant requested for the renewal of the authorisation and the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) issued an opinion at that regard in 2020. In that opinion, the Panel could not confirm the previously drawn conclusions (EFSA, 2006) regarding the safety of the production strain, and consequently could not confirm the safety of the additive for the target species and consumers. In the current submission, the applicant provided supplementary information that allowed the Panel to conclude on the identity of the production strain, redefine the specifications of the additive, and finally to conclude on its safety. Therefore, the new data provided permit to conclude that Amaferm® complies with the conditions of the authorisation. However, the Panel noted that there is the need to change the specification and deScription of the cellulase and amylase units in the authorisation act. The data provided in the previous (EFSA FEEDAP Panel, 2020) and the current assessments support that Amaferm® remains safe under the approved conditions for target species, consumers and the environment. The additive is non-irritant to skin and eyes, or a dermal sensitiser but should be considered a potential respiratory sensitiser.
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玩具,玩具产业,玩具行业 02-15
幼儿护理,纸尿裤,孕妇护理用品 02-14
行业快讯 02-14
- 搜类产品
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- 搜商家
- 服务行业 肉制品 服装服饰 寝居 物品 童车 女性 积木 发护发 学习了解
- 地区划分 山东 苏州 合肥 上海 上海 山东 陕西 黑龙江 吉林市