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- 行业领域 物品 服饰图片 寝居 的日用品 童车 孕妈妈们 品 洗护用品 学
- 城市 上海 苏州 北京 济南 四川 陕西 宁夏 广东 辽宁
- 童佳贝贝
- 省份:江苏-常州
- 经营范围在:汽车安全座椅,坐便器,儿童餐椅
" 常州童佳儿童座椅有限公司,专注于儿童安全座椅的设计,研发和制造。由国内优秀的设计师以其独特的视野和创新性的灵感赋予了童佳产品独特唯美的外观,丰富的从业经验铸就了童佳坚实的行业声誉。 童佳秉承最严格的生产和质量控制操作规范,严格执行欧洲行业标准ECE R44/04,同时定期实施COP检测。不断地付出造就了童佳产品舒适、独特和质量上乘的特点。 童佳每一个员工以——保护使用童佳产品的孩子的这个角色而自豪。 TONGJIA CHILD SEAT CO.,LTD is the professional supplier of baby car seat, set up in 2007 to focus on export business. We specialize in the design and manufacture of baby car seat. With strong technical and R&D and plastic tooling capabilities, we are developing various products to satisfy market demands, we kindly invite you into cooperation as well. The concept of TONGJIA BABY. Quality Taking the quality as the life to enterprise, we always carry out our quality policy strictly as per ISO Requirement with sincere service and competitive price. Our Pursue Top quality, Nice function, High efficiency"
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