- 汕头市市宏高新汽车工具手工制造是有限的厂家 火热招商中 产品画册>>
汕头市宏高汽车用品制造有限公司创立于2007年,座落于美丽的海滨城市--广东汕头,是一家集设计开发生产、推广销售车用儿童汽车安全座椅行业领先企业。着眼于中国日益庞大的汽车市场,倡导安全行车理念,前瞻性的引进“车用儿童安全座椅”这一在发达国家已强制使用的令儿童乘车时得到有效保护的产品,并针对国内外儿童的体形特征,严格按照欧洲ECE R44/04安全标准及最新颁布的国标陆续设计开发生产了“Kidstar童星”系列车用儿童安全座椅并已获得多项国家专利,拥有完全的自主知识产权。 目前,公司已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证及安规认证,产品已获欧洲 ECE R44/04认证并已通过最新颁布的国标GB27887-2011的各项测试。产品由中国平安财产保险股份有限公司承保产品责任险。2013年5月公司已经通过央视网·企业频道的审核,成为央视网车用儿童座椅广告合作伙伴。 We are a professional manufacturer specialized in design and production of baby car seats.,which have over 7 years of experience in this line.Since 2007, We has gained great reputation in both Chinese and overseas market with our high quality products, thoughtful service and reasonable price. The brand of "Kidstar" has already been recognized the most popular one in China. In the beginning of its establishment, our factory has passed ISO9001-2008 international quality control management standard. As follow, all od our models are pass Chinses safety standard and some of models are past the EU standard "ECER44/04", which is most strict and authoritative safety standard for baby car seat in the world.
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- 领域 商品 休闲服饰 寝居 备用品 童车 产妇 玩物 洗发水 学校
- 区域 深圳 杭州 东莞 武汉 上海 河北省 河北 内蒙古 辽宁